Simulation modeling

Simulation modeling of a heat network

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The purpose of simulation modeling

Simulation modeling is used to simulate thermal and hydraulic operating conditions of a network.

Depending on the task at hand, users can simulate standard modes for different outdoor temperatures, summer mode, emergency mode, design modes with new connected loads, new temperature charts, new consumer connection schemes, etc.

Simulation results

The following values are determined during simulation modeling:

  • pressure and temperature at each node
  • flow rate, velocity, head loss, heat loss for each pipe
  • amount of heat received and indoor temperature for every consumer
  • costs of generating heat energy at the sources and supplying electrical energy to pumping equipment

Input data for simulation modeling

Each mode is determined by network topology, pressures and temperatures at the sources, resistances and isolation properties of pipes, throttling devices installed in the network and at consumers’ points of delivery, parameters of automatic control devices.

Simulation modeling with heat loss

Simulation modeling can take into account insulation-based heat loss.
Heat losses are determined based on a type of pipe installation, according to standards or actual insulation parameters.

Heat losses lead to cooling of the heat transfer fluid, which reaches the consumer with a temperature different from the temperature at the source outlet.

Simulation modeling enables users to:

  • perform calculations for district heating substations depending on the parameters of throttling or automatic control devices installed there
  • perform calculations for district heating substations depending on actual (current) operating parameters of the source
  • analyze hydraulic and thermal operating conditions of a network, determine thermal and hydraulic misalignment of consumers
  • model network switchovers and assess their impact on the entire system
  • predict indoor temperatures at consumers’ premises when the operating modes of a heat supply system are disrupted, simulate emergency situations and justify measures for minimizing the aftermath
  • assess the impact of prospective increases in heat load related to connecting new consumers
  • evaluate the consequences of switching a heat network to reduces parameters of a heat transfer fluid
  • calculate the distribution of water and heat energy between sources when several sources operate in the same network
  • create source impact areas in the network
  • determine the balance of water and supplied heat energy between the source and consumers