Network switching

Network switching. Determine the discinnected elements of a heating network

The purpose of network switching analysis is to find the nearest shut-off and isolation valves to disconnect and isolate a network element (pipe, consumer, etc.).

Module features

  • In order to perform network switching tasks, ALL gate valves must be displayed.
  • There are 2 categories of layers: a network topology model and an underlying layer with buildings and construction projects.
  • The model opens in a read-only mode, no changes are added to the mathematical model.

The results of network switching

  • Retrieve a list of isolation and shut-off valves
  • Compile a list of disconnected network objects
  • Compile a list of disconnected buildings and construction projects
  • Print and export to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

ZuluThermo displays disconnected network objects and buildings on a map in color code, and helps to determine the final values: volumes of a heat transfer fluid in disconnected heat networks, total disconnected load, etc.

ZuluThermo Online Help «Network switching»

See also: Simulation modeling for heat network