Longitudinal profile of a wastewater disposal system
ZuluDrain Online Help «Longitudinal Profile»
Build a longitudinal profile of a wastewater disposal system for a selected direction, pipeline velocity and filling graphs for network sections — display the results of design calculations or simulation modeling.
The profile is configured by the user; it can be exported to Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel.
The profile is configured by the user; it can be exported to Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel.
Longitudinal profile of a wastewater disposal system
ZuluDrain Online Help «Longitudinal Profile»
Build a longitudinal profile of a wastewater disposal system for a selected direction, pipeline velocity and filling graphs for network sections
— display the results of design calculations or simulation modeling.
The profile is configured by the user; it can be exported to Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel.
The profile is configured by the user; it can be exported to Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel.