Calculating reserve network capacity

Calculating reserve network capacity

ZuluThermo Online Help «Calculating reserve network capacity»

The purpose of the calculations is to determine the reserve flow capacity of a heat network.

The calculated results include: flow rates for connections at nodes or in pipes of a heat network, which ensure that consumers are provided with the design amount of water and heat energy with a required available pressure head.

There are two ways to specify a consumer and a design load; design loads stand for providing consumers with a required amount of heat with a required available pressure head.

  • district heating substation — consumer
  • general consumer

The program performs consecutive adjustment calculations based on tying in new connections in each pipe of a heat network. They determine the maximum allowable flow rate at the connection point, at which the quality of heat supply will be maintained. The interval for connecting new loads used to calculate network reserve is set by the user. Minimum required available head at a tie-in point is specified for the connections points.

The calculation results for reserve flow capacity of the network


The condition for calculating reserve network capacity: it is necessary to provide all consumers with the required loads under design operating conditions, otherwise the network does not have a reserve by default.

In order to specify flow rates of heat supply sources, the program introduces a new parameter — «Maximum flow rate, t/h» — whose value will be used in adjustment calculations and simulation modeling. If a flow rate exceeds specified values, a corresponding warning will appear in a message window.
Adding a parameter in tables.

It is possible to perform calculations for an entire network or a group of selected pipes, which speeds up the process of analysing and working with large networks.

These calculations are used when providing technical specifications for connecting new consumers or choosing locations for new buildings and construction projects.

ZuluThermo records the calculated results in a vector layer, stores the information in table format and displays it in color code, with each color corresponding to a range of flow rates being connected.

The calculations for reserve flow capacity require a license for adjustment and should be performed only after you have completed adjustment calculations!