Simulation modeling of a gas network

Simulation modeling of a gas network

ZuluGaz Online Help «Simulation modeling»

The purpose of simulation modeling is to determine actual gas flow rates in gas network pipes, pressure at all pipe junctions, and disruptions to consumers’ mode of operation.

A mathematical model simulating a gas network is used to complete verification tasks and analyze changes in hydraulic operating conditions.

The calculations and analyses are performed across a gas network:

  • when disconnecting individual pipes of a gas network
  • from a source (gate stations, gas pressure regulator stations, etc.)
  • from a pipe junction or pipe (implemented to simplify the analysis and modeling process when using large diagrams)

Furthermore, in accordance with STO GAZPROM GAS DISTRIBUTION 12.2.2-1-2013 , standard, it is possible to calculate flow capacity of gas supply and gas distribution networks.