Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

  1. You always mention GIS on your website. What is it?
  2. Where can I buy your software?
  3. Is there any free software?
  4. I am not using your software, but I have a question
  5. I am using your software, but I am not sure whom I should contact with my question?
  6. How to ...?
  7. Where should I start? Where can I get a map?
  8. Why should I pay for technical support?
  9. Who is already using this software?
  10. Do I need ZuluGIS or ZuluServer?
  11. My software program is stuck in demo mode
  12. Where can I find user reviews?
  13. What about remote learning and video lessons?

You always mention GIS on your website. What is it?

GIS stands for geographic information system. GIS is designed to gather, analyze, and display any spatial and geographic data. The system makes it possible to complete various tasks in many spheres of human activity, and provides the necessary tools for modeling utility networks.

Where can I buy your software?

You can purchase this software directly from Politerm by contacting our sales team . Our company will be your point of contact for any technical support and software updates. Software training takes place in the Politerm offices or, alternatively, is offered by our distributors.

Is there any free software?

You can use our demo version for free. It offers all the functionalities of the paid software program but has a limited number of objects that users can work with.

I am not using your software but I have a question

We will gladly answer any questions you have. Please contact our specialists using the feedback form on our website

I am using your software but I am not sure whom I should contact regarding my question

Please contact us at calling +7(812) 767-0352, +7(812) 767-0353 and describe your issue. You will be directed to the specialist best suited to help you with your question. Alternatively, use the feedback form on our website to make an enquiry and leave your contact details - one of our specialists will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

What about remote learning and video lessons?

To learn how to use our software on your own, please go to the users section of our website. Here you will find detailed documentation about our software products, video lessons and examples that show how you can work in our program.

Where should I start and where can I get a map?

When implementing geographic information systems, users face one serious problem - the high cost of acquiring digital maps at the onset of creating a new system. Cartographic material is available in raster and vector format. Read more >>

Why should I pay for technical support?

Technical support fee is paid annually and represents only a small fraction of the software’s overall cost. You need technical support to solve any issues that arise while working with software programs. When you pay for technical support, you can freely contact our tech-support service and receive updates for our products. Therefore, your company will always be able to consult our specialists and access the latest versions of our software.

How to ...?

The question ‘How to?’ usually extends beyond technical support. You can find the answers to such questions in our user manuals. If you did not find the answer to your question or you require further clarification, please indicate the relevant section of the manual when contacting our technical support team.

Who is already using this software?

A complete list of organizations that have purchased our software is available on our website.

Do I need ZuluGIS or ZuluServer?

You need ZuluGIS, if GIS is used:

  1. On one computer.
  2. By one specialist, while other employees use the program only for viewing in file access mode.
  3. By several branch offices with self-contained data.

You need ZuluServer, if GIS is used:

  1. By several specialists simultaneously (for managing the workflow of your company’s GIS department).
  2. By several branch offices with a shared database, with both branches and head office being able to view and edit layers.
  3. On mobile devices or in Web browser using ZuluServer Web Services.

My software program is stuck in demo mode

There are many software products, and each requires a separate license. You can read more about how we ensure the security of our software in this article.

First, you need to determine what exactly works in demo mode.

  • ZuluGIS editor

Check which software product you purchased the license for: ZuluGIS or ZuluServer. If ZuluGIS, then most likely your security key is unplugged or you haven’t installed the required HASP key driver.

If you purchased the license for ZuluServer, then you are probably trying to edit local layers, although in this case you can edit only those layers that are opened from the geodata server. Layers should be published.

  • Extension modules for utility networks

There may be several reasons why your program is stuck in demo mode:

  1. You haven’t installed the HASP key driver; in this case the Sentinel Admin Control Center will not launch.
  2. Your security key does not contain the module license; perform security key testing, check the list of available licenses.
  3. You have a network security key, but you haven’t specified the attribute for network key polling in the module settings.
  4. The network security key is inaccessible in Sentinel Admin Control Center used for centralized key administration. The required settings are listed in the following article.

Where can I find user reviews

You can read user reviews and tips here.